Brief History

The Africa NCDs Network (ANN) is a coalition of legally recognized Civil Society NCD National Alliances and organizations whose major aims are to promote and accelerate the implementation of the NCD Agenda in the African Continent through national advocacy efforts.
It was conceived in 2015 in East Africa during the East Africa NCD Alliance conference and through reiteration at different international conferences, particularly the 2016 Consultation with Civil Society organizations by WHO AFRO and the NCD Alliance and Global NCD Forum of 2017, and finally established in 2020 during the Global NCD Forum organized by the NCD Alliance and the Friends of Cancer Patients (FoCP) in Sharjah with over 14 national NCD Alliances in representation. A five (5) member nuclear core was established with representation from the 4 main WHO AFRO sub-regions of the Center, West, East, and Southern, and an extra member from the Francophone coalition, and an advisory board to guide its establishment. In February 2021, the ANN held its first General Assembly thanks to a laborious formative process that was begun by the Volunteer Leadership core at the Secretariat, which saw the adoption of its constitution by over 23 national alliances that aligned with its vision, and the establishment of a substantive Board and Secretariat that governs it using it.
The ANN is governed by a Board and a Secretariat. Its headquarters is based at the Office of the Head of the Secretariat pending international registration. The ANN gains its legitimacy from its mandate as well as the legality of its members. The Secretariat coordinates planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the ANN’s activities as approved by the board through its 5 sub-regional representatives and in collaboration with national Alliances. ANN works closely with the NCD Alliance as its premier partner in NCD Advocacy in addition to other major partners.
The ANN has developed to put its foot strongly on the very need to ensure that NCDs are prioritized in the African continent by every government that cares for its people and envisions become a leading organization advocating for and investing in the control and prevention of NCDs in Africa for the well being of its peoples.