• info@ncdsafrica.org
  • A F R I C A NCDs N E T W O R K

The Strategic Media Engagement for Advocacy On Diabetes and Other NCDS; a landmark in East Africa

After three years of implementation, the Strategic Media Engagement for Advocacy On Diabetes and Other Non-Communicable Disease in East Africa comes to an end with visible impact. Initiated in 2019, the project aimed at increasing media awareness and government action on NCDs among East African Countries including Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Zanzibar. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) pose the fastest-growing […]

The Our Views Our Voices Advisory Group: championing the Regional Advocacy agenda of PLWNCDs

The eight (8)-member group brings together People with lived experience of NCDs, representing four African sub-regions (East, West, South and Central) with crucial consideration of the sub-regional balance among its representative members.   The group is an integral part of the process of developing the Regional Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs and other advocacy-related activities of the Africa NCDs […]

Strategizing for the better: The Africa NCDs Network (ANN)

The Africa NCDs Network (ANN) is a coalition of legally recognized Civil societies, Alliances and organizations whose major aim is to promote and accelerate the implementation of the NCD Agenda on the African Continent through national advocacy efforts.  The Network was conceived in 2015 during the East Africa NCD Alliance conference and through reiteration at different international conferences, particularly the […]

Ghanas Move to develop Policies against Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse

Ghana’s commitment to anti-tobacco legislation is worth emulating, having been the first country to prohibit the advertising of tobacco under a government directive issued as early as 1982. In 2012, the Government of Ghana passed the Public Health Act (851) that clearly highlighted the Tobacco Control Measures in the country.  This Act was further reinforced by the Tobacco Control Regulations […]

The Case Studies on Meaningful Involvement of PLWNCDs in Decision-Making In Africa

Non-communicable diseases represent 35% of annual deaths in Cameroon (WHO 2018). The prevalence of Hypertension, an avoidable risk factor for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), is reported at 29-31% with more than 60% undiagnosed cases in communities and only 14% being aware of their status (Kingue et., al. 2015).  These alarming figures are partly linked to excess salt intake […]

Front of Package Labeling; a move to reduce excessive salt intake in Cameroon

Non-communicable diseases represent 35% of annual deaths in Cameroon (WHO 2018). The prevalence of Hypertension, an avoidable risk factor for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), is reported at 29-31% with more than 60% undiagnosed cases in communities and only 14% being aware of their status (Kingue et., al. 2015). These alarming figures are partly linked to excess salt intake […]

ANN Drives Advocacy at the 72 nd WHO Regional Committee for Africa

At the 72nd WHO Regional Committee for Africa held in Lome, Togas from 22nd-26 August 2022, the Africa NCDs Network on behalf of its stakeholders and partners presented two statements on the need for African countries to adopt the PEN-PLUS Strategy- a regional strategy to address severe Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) at first-level referral health facilities as well as supporting the […]