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<strong>The EADSG Congress 2023 introduces the Ilondo Mapoko Achievers awards for young scientists in diabetes and other NCDs</strong>

The EADSG Congress 2023 introduces the Ilondo Mapoko Achievers awards for young scientists in diabetes and other NCDs

The EADSG Congress 2023 introduces the Ilondo Mapoko Achievers awards for young scientists in diabetes and other NCDs

Over 300 delegates from Sub Saharan Africa convened at white Sands Hotel, in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania for the 6th East Africa Diabetes Study Group Congress and Scientific Sessions.  The three days congress (26th-28th April 2023) was a comprehensive, multidisciplinary forum with a stellar faculty of leaders in diabetes and other Non-Communicable Diseases that connect the scientific community and accelerate life science discovery to discuss ambitions, priorities and actions for change in diabetes and NCDs care within the East Africa Region.

Focusing on the theme: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, the EADSG Congress 2023  was organized by the East Africa Diabetes Study Group in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Tanzania, World Diabetes foundation, Micro Lab Ltd, Servier, Astrazeneca, Denk Pharma, Improving Lives, Curing Type 1 Diabetes ( JDRF), Embecta, Novo Nodisk and USV.

The congress was preceded  three award lectures: Dr Erick Njumwa Mngola Memorial Lecture on Relevance of early diagnosis and management of Type 1 Diabetes in low and middle income countries; Prof Donald McLarty Memorial Lecture on Diabetes Phenotypes in low and middle income countries; Sir Albert Cook Memorial Lecture on Relevance of Diabetes Riskscore for early diagnosis in Low and Middle Income Countries presented by Dr. Warren Rhen Wei Lee, Prof Nihal Thomas; Prof Andre Pascal Kengne respectively. These were accompanied by a series of presentations and panel discussion geared towards promoting knowledge sharing and nurtured debate to align, accelerate, account, engage and invest in diabetes management and care; Data Management and improved technologies in management of diabetes, access and administration of insulin and other commodities for children with type 1 diabetes as well as translating diabetes research into effective practice.

The opening ceremony was officiated by the Hon. Ummy Ally Mwalimu, Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, seniors and Children – Tanzania. At the same function, the East Africa Diabetes Study Group (EADSG) Ilondo Mapokp Achievers Awards for Young Scientists were launched.  According to Prof. Silver Bahendeka, the Congress Chairperson, the Ilondo Mberenge Mapoko Achievers Award for young scientists is named in recognition of Dr. Ilondo Mbelenge Mapoko for his outstanding scientific work in metabolism and for his being a key stimulant for training of young scientists from the Africa Region. Dr. Ilondo Mbelenge Mapoko is a native of the East Africa Region.


The awards have been prepared to encourage young persons in research in the world of NCDs specifically Diabetes and the  first round was presented to  Ms. Lauryn Nsenga from Uganda and  Dr. Emmanuel  Mbuki from Tanzania.

The East African Diabetes Study Group (EADSG) was launched in 2011 to provide educational programs and conduct research to further expand our knowledge of this debilitating illness and its treatment. According to Prof. Kaushik Ramaiya the EADSG Secretary, the East African Diabetes Study Group has highlights the health care delivery in diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the East Africa Region. It takes action to reduce the devastating complications of diabetes mellitus. Its plan of action emphasizes treating diabetes to reach and maintain target levels of glucose, blood pressure, and lipids.

 “EADSG is committed to excellence in education, research, and treatment of diabetes. EADSG welcomes to all endocrinologists, diabetologists, primary care physicians, diabetes educators, and other health care professionals who work with diabetes patients with a nominal Membership Fee of USD 50 annually,” he noted.

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