In a bid to become a policy focused and research centered entity, the Africa NCDs Network has initiated a physical secretariat in Cameroon.
The secretariat serves as the central administrative unit for the network, providing programmatic and operational support to the ANN members, partners as well as the wider NCD community. It is also responsible for coordinating the day-to-day activities of the organization, manage systems that support the Network’s objectives and agenda and also plans and implements projects and programs on behalf of ANN and its partners
Since its inception in 2020, the Africa NCDs Network has been managed remotely by interim secretariat. The team has been built on the pillar of voluntarism with representation from the four Regional Alliances (South, West, East and Central) and Ghana NCD Alliance being the fiscal partner. With the completion and adoption of the Constitution and with the support from the NCD Alliance SEED grant, the ANN leadership found it expedient to formally set up a physical office. Through a rigorous vetting process, the Cameroon NCD Alliance was finally selected to host the first physical secretariat for the Africa NCDs Network.
The 2023 NCD Alliance General Assembly is here: we are voting for new leadership
The NCD Alliance General Assembly (GA) will take place on the 17 May 2023, where the NCDA President-Elect and Board of Directors for the term 2023-2025 will be elected. The General Assembly meeting will take place from 13:00 - 15:00 CEST, and will include a series of presentations, a Q&A session and the results of the voting will be announced.
Among the candidates include; Prof. Kaushik Ramaiya, our Board Member who also doubles as Board Member of World Diabetes Foundation and Leslie Rae Ferat, Executive Director, Global Alliance ,for Tobacco Control (GATC, formerly Framework Convention Alliance). The two are vying for the position of President Elect at Global NCD Alliance.
NCD Alliance is therefore inviting all full/founding members to attend the General Assembly and to vote, while Associate members are invited to observe only. Founding/Full members are reminded to nominate representatives who will vote on behalf of their organizations. In the same manner, organizations are asked to submit the lists of optional observing delegates. To vote, a full member MUST have registered for 2023. Please make sure you are registered if your alliance or organization is a full member of the NCDA.
You can read more about each candidate using this link: https://ncdalliance.org/sites/default/files/NCDA_Candidate%20Profile%20Booklet_Board2023-20.25_final.pdf
We are delighted that three (3) candidates from the Afro region are standing for elections and we wish them the best along side their fellow leaders.