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  • A F R I C A NCDs N E T W O R K
Strategizing for the better: The Africa NCDs Network (ANN)

Strategizing for the better: The Africa NCDs Network (ANN)

The Africa NCDs Network (ANN) is a coalition of legally recognized Civil societies, Alliances and organizations whose major aim is to promote and accelerate the implementation of the NCD Agenda on the African Continent through national advocacy efforts.  The Network was conceived in 2015 during the East Africa NCD Alliance conference and through reiteration at different international conferences, particularly the 2016 Consultation with Civil Society organizations by WHO AFRO and NCD Alliance Global. The Africa NCDs Network was officially established in 2020 at the Global NCD Forum; in Sharjah.

 In February 2021, the ANN held its first General Assembly (AGM) to adopt the constitution and also recognize the membership of over 23 national alliances that were joining by then. In the same AGM, an advisory board of a five-member representation from the four main sub-regions that is the Central, East, West, and South in addition to an extra member from the Francophone coalition was put in place to guide the ANN establishment. This was supported by an interim secretariat that has been operating remotely.

 The secretariat team is currently built on the pillar of voluntarism with representation from the four Regional Alliances with Ghana NCD Alliance as the fiscal partner. The secretariat handles the day-to-day activities of the organization; coordinates tasks that are geared toward achieving the organization’s agenda; initiates systems that support ANN’s objectives; plans and implements projects and programs on behalf of ANN and partners

Through its five strategic directions namely; capacity development, quality research, policy engagement, affordable access, funding for NCDs and People power, the Africa NCDs Network has over the past years positioned itself as a leading organization that advocates for and invests in the control and prevention of NCDs in Africa. The organization has:

 Invested in organizational development

Since its inception, the Africa NCDs Network has emphasized the need to have strong and effective operational and governing procedures. Therefore, it has embarked on the process of formalizing the registration process as an international NGO. It has also initiated the process of developing the organization governing documents including the ANN Strategic Plan and several policies. A communications department to streamline the communication, publicity, branding and media-related activities has been put in place; a website that is also acting as a repository of all information on NCDs and health-related issues within the region has been developed; the ANN newsletter as well as the social media platforms have been initiated. The network also enrolled a communications associate to its manage the communication and media roles.

Widened the membership base

The organization is thriving on its membership base that comprises regional and national alliances, member associations, and other civil society organizations as well as networks that support the agenda of prevention, management, and control of NCDs on the African continent.  Currently, the organization is boasting of 36 registered members across the region and registration is still ongoing.  Through this wider membership, ANN is able to fulfill its mission and agenda. The network is establishing new alliances in Central Africa and in Liberia (West Africa).

Enhanced its ground to promote NCD agenda

The network has engaged and supported several activities that are geared toward supporting the region to effectively participate in the socio-economic and political processes that drive NCD prevention, control and management at high-level decision-making platforms; monitoring and supporting regional and national formulation and implementation of policies that are linked to NCDs; promoting, and supporting the implementation of NCD-related and relevant regional and national agreements made by member states within Africa; improving the lives of PLWNCDs with early diagnosis; enhancing  access to health services; ensuring participation of civil society organizations in NCD-related processes in Africa and beyond; promoting the visibility of the work done by NCDs-based national alliances. building capacity of member organizations and other partners such as media in the fight against NCDs; fostering research and consultation work on matters relevant to NCDs and other related health issues; promoting information dissemination, communication and documentation on NCDs and other related issues within the region as well as supporting governments, regional institutions and other NCD civil societies to increase regional response to NCDs.

Expanded its network regionally and internationally

With its wide and diverse membership that is covering the four regions, the ANN has strategically expanded its reach to global communities with a broad range of expertise and NCD actors including; PLWNCDs, policymakers, government leaders, advocates, healthcare givers, health professionals and researchers.

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